Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Gift

My Savior was born. That’s all that needs to be said. The actual time of year is of no consequence to me.

I grew up thinking that part of celebrating Christmas was giving gifts to one another because the three wise men gave gifts. But it’s not about the gifts brought to Joseph, Mary, and our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s about the gift Christ brought from the Father – to us.

His birth was planned so that He could die for a specific purpose – to save mankind. This was the true gift of his birth…what we call Christmas.

It is a gift that surpasses everything imaginable on this earth.

It is a gift that waits as long as your lifetime to be received by you.

It is a gift of life everlasting that would soon be unwrapped on the cross… where His blood would redeem those who would accept His gift.

So, if I truly want to celebrate Jesus’ birth, then I guess I also need to celebrate His death – as this is the true gift given us.

As I shop through the various department stores I hone in on the small children screaming and crying from visual overloads that spark the greed that has never been tempered with the story of Jesus. I realize the children in America are actually very poor.

I dread buying anything red or green, or that resembles a commercial I zipped past while trying to land on some significant broadcast that isn’t laced with Santa and all the other jingle bells. But, I still buy this stuff out of being a good mother with good cheer and sincere love. I like giving to people…but I want to focus on the true celebration.

If we could give a gift to one another in the same spirit as He gave us, then know that that gift would be called love. That is the perfect gift this Christmas, in case anyone asks.

Don’t forget to accept the Father’s gift, and have a Merry Christmas.

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